
A site is a physical or cloud based pixstor server managed by Hub.

Sites Page

Filtering Sites

To filter for a site within the list of sites enter a keyword in the Search for...

The displayed sites is limited to the sites which match the keyword(s).

Sites Filter

The Site Card

Each site is displayed as a site card.

A Site is displayed as a card in the Sites view.

Sites Card

A Site Card comprises:

Site Name


Displays the designated friendly name of the site with the Ngenea site chip

Site Summary

The site summary displays high level totals for the number of files and folders present, the Ngenea hydrated and dehydrated states and the number of Spaces the site hosts.

Site Summary

Alert Types

Numbered filter buttons display the count of each type of Alert for the Site.

Select a button to open the Alerts for the Site, filtered for the specific Alert type.


Click the All alerts button to view all alerts


Click the Critical alerts button to filter for all Critical alerts


Click the Warning alerts button to filter for all Warning alerts


Click the Info alerts button to filter for all Info alerts

Storage Info


Click the Storage info button to open the Storage Info browser for the Site.

Site Metrics


Click the Metrics button to open the pixstor nexus site metrics in a new browser tab.

Site Analytics


Click the Analytics button to open the pixstor nexus site analytics in a new browser tab.

Site Alerts


Click the Alerts button to open the Alerts for the Site.

Bandwidth Control

If bandwidth control has been enabled by a Hub Administrator with CLI access, the bandwidth of a site can be limited to a defined value. The current value is observed on the bandwidth limit button.


Click the bandwidth limit button to display the bandwidth control dialog.

The bandwidth control dialog allows limiting the bandwidth of a site to a defined value. Enter the limit in Megabits per second (Mbps) and press Save to apply the limit.

Site Bandwidth Dialog


If the bandwith for a site has been inadvertently set do not press the Save button, instead click off the Bandwith limit dialog to the main area of the screen.


This function can only be performed by a Hub Administrator.



This function can only be performed by a Hub Administrator.


Click the site’s Settings button to display a dialog to configure the selected site.

Site Settings Dialog
  • Modify the Site settings as required. Refer to Adding a Site for settings guidance.

Pool Space

One or more pixstor storage pools which comprise the pixstor file system are represented.

Hovering over the pool percentage bar provides the remaining capacity for the pool.

Site Summary

Adding a Site

Add Site Wizard

Hub allows remote configuration of all participating pixstor sites.

New sites are automatically joined to Hub awaiting optional configuration via the Site Wizard.

Add Site


Click the Add site button to display a dialog to configure the selected site.


This function can only be performed by a Hub Administrator.

Pick site to configure

Sites which have been automatically registered to Hub but not yet configured are shown:

Add Site Wizard New Sites
  • Select a site to configure


Click the Configure this new site button to proceed

Site Name
Add Site Wizard Site Name
  • Provide a friendly name for the Site

  • Provide a 3 character short code for the site. The shortcode is displayed as the label on the Site's chip. E.G. LDN for London

  • Specify whether the site is on-premise or a pixstor cloud deployment. Each site type provides different Network Setting options.

  • Provide the URL IP or FQDN which refers to the pixstor management node of the Site

  • Select a colour for the Site chip

Network Settings (On premise)
Add Site Wizard Network Settings (On Premise)
  • Add the required IP address or network range and specify a valid CIDR mask to apply the restriction

  • Specify a gateway, if required

  • Select the server(s) and interface(s) of the server where the IP range will be configured


Click the Add IP range button to add additional restrictions


Click Create another group to add additional IP range to interface mapping groups


Click the delete button to remove an IP range or Interface group

Network Settings (Cloud & General)

pixstor cloud systems use predefined network architectures.

Unlike on-premise pixstor systems there is no requirement to create IP ranges or interface groups. IP addressing is externally managed by the cloud / virtual environment.

Both on-premise and cloud systems share common network configuration for DNS, Timezone and NTP.

Add Site Wizard Network Settings (Cloud)
  • Specify the IP address or FQDN hostname of one or more DNS servers

  • Specify one or more DNS search domains

  • Specify the Timezone in which the server resides, or will participate in

  • Specify the IP address or FQDN hostname of one or more DNS servers


If the pixstor site will be joined to an external Identify Mapping service such as Active Directory or LDAP, best practice is to ensure that the DNS and NTP servers match those of the service, or point at the service hosted DNS and NTP if it provides such capabilities. Should the pixstor become out of time sync with the Identify Mapping service login failures can occur.


pixstor provides the capability to backup data within a Space on a per-Site basis to specific Ngenea Targets.

Hub enables configuration to be set for the Ngenea Backup service running on pixstor sites.

If the Site is enabled to participate in backups, each Space requires additional configuration to enable the per-Space backup.

For more information refer to Backups.

Enable Site Backups

Determine the required frequency of the backup.

Space Wizard Snapshot Backup Mins Hours

Choosing Mins or Hours will ensure that the schedule will run on the next interval set.

E.G: * 1 hour: The backup will run on the next hour (12.00, 13.00) * 15 mins: The backup will run on the next 15 minute interval past the hour (15, 30, 45, 00)

Space Wizard Backup Schedule Daily Weekly

Choosing Daily or Weekly allows the backup to be scheduled once per chosen day at a specific time of day.


The schedule time is in UTC+0. You may need to account for any timezone offset of the site when scheduling.

Optional tuning can be set for the backup operation in the Advanced Configuration.

Refer to the Ngenea Backup documention prior to applying any parameters.

Backups Advanced Settings
Email SMTP Settings

pixstor provides the capability to notify an inbox if service issues arise.

Add Site Wizard Site Email Settings
  • Specify the SMTP configuration of an email server to which to send notification emails

  • Specify one or more valid email addresses to receive the notification emails

Identity Management
Add Site Wizard Identity Mapping Mode
  • Specify the Identity Management mode as appropriate:



Active Directory

pixstor uses RFC2307 compliant identity mapping with Active Directory


pixstor generates local UIDs and GIDs mapped to Active Directory SIDs

Add Site Wizard Identity Domain Settings
  • Specify the Domain to join

  • Specify the Machine account name

  • Specify the ID range to map to

  • Specify whether to use DNS to locate an Active Directory Domain Controller or alternatively specify an IP address or hostname

Add Site Wizard Domain Credentials
  • Specify a valid username and password with domain join capability


Upon completing the wizard steps a summary is presented:

Add Site Wizard Summary

Click the Finish & Create button to apply the changes displayed on the wizard summary page.

Alternatively Go back and change the proposed configuration as required or close the wizard to cancel the creation of the Ngenea target.