
Prior to Space creation Shares can be assigned.

Shares are created across all Sites where the Space is provisioned.

As the Space is not yet created any Share created is assigned to the whole Space. To create Shares within the Space, edit the Space after creation and add the required Shares.


To create shares for directories within a Space can be created via the Edit Space button after successful Space creation. Shares are created identically across all Sites participating in a Space.

Spaces Wizard Share Types
  • Select either protocol type to create a Share

SMB protocol creates a Share with the name provided.

NFS protocol creates a Share at the Space location on the pixstor file system. Set a suitable description of the share.

  • Optionally choose to modify the Share configuration in the Advanced settings.

SMB Advanced

Extended SMB options

Modifying the extended SMB options controls the Share capabilities:

Space Wizard SMB Extended Options

Select the available extended SMB options as appropriate:



Read only

If enabled then users of the Share may not create or modify files in the Space.

Enable multi-threaded writes

Enable asynchronous reads and writes

Locking for root share

Enforce file locking

HSM support

Support Ngenea operations to data within the Space

Guest OK

Access will be permitted as the default guest user

SMB Custom Options

On occasion Administrators may find it necessary to further tailor SMB Shares in order to provide additional capabilities E.G. compatibility or performance tunings.

Pixstor supports additional SAMBA Custom Options per-share. Custom Options defined for a Space's Share are applied across all Sites where the Space is provisioned.


SMB Custom Options are applied verbatium to the underlying SAMBA configuration. Incorrect entries can result in service outage.

Add a new Custom Option as follows:


Click the Add new key to define a new custom option


Enter the name of the custom option setting in the Keyword field


Select the type of custom option from the drop down menu. Choose or enter the value for the custom option.

Example of added Custom Options:

SMB Custom Options Examples

To modify an existing custom option change the keyword, type or values as appropriate.

To delete a custom option select the bin icon next to the item.


Click the delete button to remove a custom option

Admin Users

Granted full permission to data in the Space to a specific set of users or groups:

Space Wizard SMB Admin Users
  • Add users by username

  • Add groups by prefixing the group name with an @ character


For users or groups containing spaces or symbols, etc. use quotes. E.G. @"Domain Admins"

Allowed Users

Restrict the access to the share to a specific set of users or groups:

Space Wizard SMB Allowed Users
  • Add users by username

  • Add groups by prefixing the group name with an @ character


For users or groups containing spaces or symbols, etc. use quotes. E.G. @"Domain Admins"

Force permissions

In some scenarios it may be desirable to force the file and directory permissions to specific values in order to create a consistent known permission model. Typically this is observed where systems are not connected to Identity Management services such as Active Directory, LDAP or similar.

Space Wizard Force Permissions
  • Set the permission overrides as required

Host access control

pixstor provides the ability to limit connectivity to specific network clients.

  1. If no allow or deny options are defined pixstor will allow connections from any system.

  2. If only a hosts allow option is defined for a share, only the network clients listed will be allowed to use the share. All others will be denied.

  3. If only a hosts deny option is defined for a share, any network client which is not listed will be able to use the share.

  4. If both a hosts allow and hosts deny option are defined, a network client must appear in the hosts allow and not appear in the hosts deny to access the share.

Hosts allow

Space Wizard SMB Hosts Allow
  • Add the required hosts by specifying the IP address


Click the Add host button to add additional hosts


Click the delete button to remove a host

Hosts deny

Space Wizard SMB Hosts Deny
  • Add the required hosts by specifying the IP address


Click the Add host button to add additional hosts


Click the delete button to remove a host

NFS Advanced

Extended NFS options

Modifying the extended NFS options controls the Share capabilities:

Share Wizard NFS Extended Options

Select the available extended SMB options as appropriate:



Read only

If enabled then users of the Share may not create or modify files in the Space.


Enable asynchronous reads and writes

Write delay

Reply to I/O requests only after the changes have been committed to stable storage at a cost of performance reduction.

Secure ports

Requires that NFS requests originate from a TCP/IP port from 1-1024

Subtree check

Check the accessed file is in the appropriate filesystem and also within the Share

ID Mapping

All Squash

All Squash maps all User IDs (UIDs) and group IDs (GIDs) to the anonymous user. This is useful for NFS-exported public FTP directories, news spool directories

Space Wizard NFS All Squash

Root Squash

Root squash allows the root user on the client to both access and create files on the NFS server as root. This is conceptually equivalent to the Adminstrator in Windows.

Root Squash is needed if you are hosting root filesystems on the NFS server (E.G. for diskless clients). You should not use no_root_squash unless you are aware of the underlying implications.

Space Wizard NFS Root Squash

No Squash

No Squash allows the root user on the NFS client host to access the NFS-mounted directory with the same rights and privileges that the superuser would normally have.

Space Wizard NFS No Squash

NFS network restrictions

pixstor provides the ability to limit connectivity to specific network clients.

Space Wizard NFS Availble To All Clients
  • Select the Available to all clients option for no restrictions

Restrict to hosts

Space Wizard NFS Restrict Hosts
  • Add required hosts to restrict by specifying the IP address or the FQDN hostname

Restrict to network range

Space Wizard NFS Restrict Network Range
  • Add the required IP address or network range and specify a valid CIDR mask to apply the restriction


Click the Add IP range button to add additional restrictions


Click the delete button to remove a host