Technical Details
The underlying PixStor Management database uses SQLite3
In PixStor Management 0.3 and earlier, the database was located at /mmfs1/.arcapix/apmgmt.db
As of PixStor Management 0.4, the database is located at /mmfs1/.arcapix/apmgmt/apmgmt.db
Job Engine
When a change is made via the REST API, a task is submitted to the job engine, to be executed asynchronously.
The default job engine is PixStor Schedulers. Tasks are submitted to Schedulers via its own REST API.
Run as User
Jobs, which make changes to the filesystem, are run as the user who triggered the job.
For example, if a user is authenticated as pixadmin
, then the job will be run as user pixadmin
Therefore, that user must have appropriate permissions, such as sudo permission or read/write permission for any relevant files or directories. PixStor Management (by way of PixStor) maintains a ‘sudoers’ configuration which assigns relevant permissions to users, based on their rights and roles.
Placement Policy Rules
PixStor Manamgenent needs to create some placement policies - one per data pool (per filesystem). This is used to ensure space (fileset) data is assigned to the desired datastore (pool)
If any placement rules are missing, they can be installed with
adminctl policy install default
adminctl populate now --conditional
No default placement policy
The above command will not install placement rules for any policy which is missing a default placement rule. In that case, populate will display a warning like
Can't populate profiles for mmfs1 - [AP000000117X] Filesystem mmfs1 has no default placement policy - skipping
Check the current policy with
mmlspolicy mmfs1 -L
A default placement rule looks like
RULE 'default' SET POOL 'system'
If it’s missing, one will need to be created.
For more details, see man adminctl-providers-box
- 1
or under the equivalent primary filesystem mountpoint