Command Line Tools
The main command line tool for PixStor Management is adminctl
This provides sub-commands for performing various administration operations.
For more details, see the manpages - man adminctl
Populate Tools
adminctl populate
Populate builds the management database based on the current state of the cluster.
If the database doesn’t exist or is empty, it will be populated from scratch. If the database already exists, it will be ‘reconciled’ to bring it into line with the current state of the cluster.
populate now performs the populate/reconcile operation immediately. If the configured database doesn’t exist, it will be created.
adminctl populate now
By default, database entries which are not ACTIVE
- e.g. which are ERRORED
- won’t be reconciled.
So if, for example, a space is in state ERRORED
but the corresponding fileset wasn’t created or has been manually deleted,
populate will not remove it from the database.
This is to prevent removing things which are PENDING
, as this would interfere with jobs,
and to prevent removing ERRORED
things so that they can be retried.
populate rebuild makes the database match the state of the filesystem exactly.
adminctl populate rebuild
This means entries which don’t have a corresponding filesystem object (spaces without filesets, etc.) will be removed from the database, regardless of their state.
This should not be run if there are any currently PENDING
For more details, see man adminctl-populate
adminctl policy install
Creates PixStor policy rules, which will be used by PixStor Management.
default will create a default placement rule for each data storage pool on each filesystem. If the policy rules already exist, the command will do nothing.
adminctl policy install default
The default placement rules are required by PixStor Management to be able to perform basic operations, such as creating filesets. For more details, see Placement Policy Rules
For more details, see man adminctl-policy-install
Provider Tools
adminctl providers box
Tools for replication providers
list will list the names and ids of currently configured providers.
$ adminctl providers box list
c06ecf6f-84f8-4e51-8d3f-334f71f2f8f3 box-vfx box_admin
This is intended only to be used to identify provider ids for use with refresh. The PixStor Management REST API should be used to view full provider details.
refresh will refresh the authentication tokens for the accounts associated with one or more replication providers.
$ adminctl providers box refresh c06ecf6f-84f8-4e51-8d3f-334f71f2f8f3
NOTIFY: Refreshing tokens for Box account box_admin
NOTIFY: Successfully refreshed 1 providers
Under normal operation, the tokens should be kept up-to-date by the replication process, i.e. PixStor BoxSync. However, if sync is not active for more than ~1 hour, the access token may expire.
This tool allows for refreshing tokens without having to fully re-authenticate the associated Box account.