The Object Relational Model (ORM) defines the mapping between python objects and the SQL database
The objects themselves act as abstractions over whatever underlying filesystem is being used.
For example, a Space
roughly corresponds to an independent fileset in PixStor.
In general, you should not use these objects directly - use the REST interface instead.
The REST interface will be (mostly) stable across release versions with only compatible changes being made, whereas the backend code may undergo breaking changes between releases.
ORM Diagram

Fig 1. The Object Relational Model (ORM) Diagram
Comparison to CLI PixStor
To help existing PixStor administrators, we can roughly match the APMgmt objects and concepts in PixStor as follows:
Datastore: storage pool
Exposer: filesystem, samba or nfs share
ILM Step: file placement policy rule
Profiles: file placement policy
Space: independent and dependent filesets
Snapshot: snapshot
Template: directory structure, which can include dependent filesets
Provider: remote storage location
Replica: sync with a remote location (provider)
However, the APMgmt objects represent abstract concepts. How they are implemented at the filesystem layer does not match completely with PixStor, and is subject to change.
API Documentation
- class arcapix.management.orm.datastores.DataStore(*args, **kwargs)
A data store represents a piece of persistent storage which can contain 1 (or usually many more) bytes of data, and from which individual Spaces can be carved.
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
datastore name
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
type of the datastore
- class arcapix.management.orm.datastores.GPFSDataStore(*args, **kwargs)
A datastore belonging to a GPFS filesystem.
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- filesystem
name of the filesystem the datastore belongs to
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
datastore name
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
type of the datastore
- class arcapix.management.orm.exposers.CIFSExposer(name, sharepath, visible=True, readonly=False, comment=None, extras=None, *args, **kwargs)
Generic CIFS (Samba) exposer for a space.
Supported extras:
can contain any validsmb.conf
settings. Any provided values will be written tosmb.conf
‘as is’.- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
name of the exposer
- pixmanaged
indicates whether the share is managed by pixstor
- readonly
specifies whether the share is read-only
path where the exposer is located
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
type of the exposer
- visible
specifies whether the share is visible
- class arcapix.management.orm.exposers.GPFSCIFSExposer(name, sharepath, visible=True, readonly=False, comment=None, extras=None, *args, **kwargs)
An exposer to expose a GPFS based space via CIFS.
This requires that the space is already exposed via the Native exposer
(i.e. that the underlying fileset is linked)
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
name of the exposer
- pixmanaged
indicates whether the share is managed by pixstor
- readonly
specifies whether the share is read-only
path where the exposer is located
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
type of the exposer
- visible
specifies whether the share is visible
- class arcapix.management.orm.exposers.GPFSNFSExposer(name, sharepath, *args, **kwargs)
An exposer to expose a GPFS based space via NFS.
This requires that the space is already exposed via the Native exposer (i.e. that the underlying fileset is linked)
- client
client associates with the share
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
name of the exposer
- pixmanaged
indicates whether the share is managed by pixstor
- readonly
specifies whether the share is read-only
path where the exposer is located
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
type of the exposer
- visible
specifies whether the share is visible
- class arcapix.management.orm.exposers.GPFSNativeExposer(*args, **kwargs)
The native exposer presents the way a space is exposed on the filesystem.
Whenever a space is linked into the filesystem (e.g. a GPFS Fileset being linked), then a native exposer is required.
Typically when a GPFS filesystem is to be exposed via NFS or CIFS, it will also require a native exposer as well.
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- filesystem
filesystem the exposer represents
- id
unique identifier for the item
- mountpoint
mountpoint for the exposer
- name
name of the exposer
- snapshots
collection of snapshots of the exposer
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
type of the exposer
- class arcapix.management.orm.exposers.NFSExposer(name, sharepath, *args, **kwargs)
Generic NFS Exposer for a space.
NB. For GPFS, you would normally use a GPFSNFSExposer.
Supported extras:
can contain any valid/etc/exports
settings. Any provided values will be written to/etc/exports
‘as is’.Boolean options can be provided in positive or negative form - e.g.
async=True <=> sync=False root_squash=False <=> no_root_squash=True
- client
client associates with the share
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
name of the exposer
- pixmanaged
indicates whether the share is managed by pixstor
- readonly
specifies whether the share is read-only
path where the exposer is located
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
type of the exposer
- visible
specifies whether the share is visible
- class arcapix.management.orm.exposers.NativeExposer(*args, **kwargs)
Generic native _Exposer for a space.
NB. For GPFS, you would normally use a
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- mountpoint
mountpoint for the exposer
- name
name of the exposer
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
type of the exposer
ILM Steps
In general, the Information Life-Cycle (ILM) ORM isn’t used directly, but via the Profile that the particular Step belongs to.
- class arcapix.management.orm.lifecycle.ILMStep(*args, **kwargs)
Represents a step in the lifecycle process.
- age
Length of time before files should be moved in seconds.
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- filetypes
types of file the ILM step applies to
- id
unique identifier for the item
- property low_threshold
Calculates the lower bound when using age/size thresholds
- minsize
minimum size for files the ILM step applies to
- profile_id
profile the ilmstep belongs to
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- targetds
target datastore for file placement
- threshold
High water mark before migration should be considered
- class arcapix.management.orm.profiles.Profile(*args, **kwargs)
A profile defines the location, ILM, and other characteristics of a space.
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- ilm_steps
ILM steps associated with the profile
- name
name of the profile typical format ‘{filesystem}-{pool}’
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- class arcapix.management.orm.providers.BoxProvider(*args, **kwargs)
A provider for replicating data to a Box.com account.
- authentication
authentication url or code
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
provider name
- remote_path
basepath within the authenticated box account
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
type of the provider
- username
name of the authenticated user
- class arcapix.management.orm.providers.Provider(*args, **kwargs)
A Provider represents a remote storage platform.
This might be, for example, a cloud storage service. Providers can be used as replica targets for spaces.
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
provider name
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
type of the provider
- class arcapix.management.orm.replicas.BoxSyncReplica(*args, **kwargs)
A Replica which uses BoxSync to replicate data.
- comment
user comment on the item
- direction
replication direction
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- provider
provider associated with this replica
- relativepath
path within the provider to replicate
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
specific type of the replica
- class arcapix.management.orm.replicas.Direction
Enum specifying replication directions.
- BOTH = 'both'
two-way sync between PixStor and provider
- DOWN = 'down'
downstream, provider to PixStor only
- UP = 'up'
upstream, PixStor to provider only
- class arcapix.management.orm.replicas.Replica(*args, **kwargs)
A Replica represents a remote copy of a space.
- comment
user comment on the item
- direction
replication direction
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- provider
provider associated with this replica
- provider_id
id of the provider associated with this replica
- relativepath
path within the provider to replicate
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
specific type of the replica
If a fileset is created via the Nexus UI, it will only be a Space if it’s a ‘templated’ fileset. ‘Basic’ filesets created in the Nexus UI are not Spaces at present.
- class arcapix.management.orm.spaces.Space(*args, **kwargs)
A space is the fundemental unit of the system.
in essence it represents an instance of some space made available matching a given profile, and exposed via one or more points, and based on a given template.
Supported extras:
(str):The name of the fileset corresponding to the space.
Note - this is a readonly attribute. The fileset name is determined by the Space
(bool):Indicates whether the corresponding fileset is dependent or independent.
When provided with a POST request, it indicates the type of fileset to create.
(int):The inodes space to which the corresponding fileset belongs.
is True, a value can be provided to POST. If not provided, the inodespace will be inferred fromexposers
is False, any value provided to POST will be ingored. Independent filesets always belong to inodespace = 0
(int):The maximum inodes allocation of the corresponding fileset.
is False, a value can be provided to POST. If not provided, a default value will be used.If
is True any provided value will be ignored
(int):The number of inodes allocated to the corresponding fileset.
is False, a value can be provided to pre-allocate inodes. If not provided, a default value will be used.If
is True any provided value will be ignoredallocinodes
must be less thanmaxinodes
Once a Space is created, changes to these
will have no effect on the corresponding fileset- comment
user comment on the item
- exposers
exposers associated with the space
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
name of the space
- profile
profile associated with the space
- relativepath
path of the space, relative to any exposers
- replicas
replicas associated with the space
- size
size of the space
- snapshots
collection of snapshot of the space
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- templates
templates associated with the space
- usage
current usage of the space in blocks
Snapshots only refer to “one-off” snapshots. Periodic snapshots will be covered (in a future release) by profiles.
- class arcapix.management.orm.snapshots.ExposerSnapshot(*args, **kwargs)
A snapshot of an exposer.
Such as of a GPFS Filesystem
- comment
user comment on the item
- exposer_id
id of the exposer the snapshot is associated with
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
name of the snapshot
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- taken
datetime at which the snapshot was created
- type
type of the snapshot
- class arcapix.management.orm.snapshots.GPFSNativeExposerSnapshot(*args, **kwargs)
A snapshot of a GPFSNativeExposer.
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- filesystem
name of the filesystem associated with the snapshot
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
name of the snapshot
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- taken
datetime at which the snapshot was created
- type
type of the snapshot
- class arcapix.management.orm.snapshots.GPFSSpaceSnapshot(*args, **kwargs)
Snapshot of a GPFS space.
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- filesystem
name of the filesystem associated with the snapshot
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
name of the snapshot
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- taken
datetime at which the snapshot was created
- type
type of the snapshot
- class arcapix.management.orm.snapshots.Snapshot(*args, **kwargs)
Represents an abstract Snapshot
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
name of the snapshot
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- taken
datetime at which the snapshot was created
- type
type of the snapshot
- class arcapix.management.orm.snapshots.SpaceSnapshot(*args, **kwargs)
A snapshot of a space.
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
name of the snapshot
- space_id
id of the space associated with the snapshot
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- taken
datetime at which the snapshot was created
- type
type of the snapshot
- class arcapix.management.orm.templates.FilesystemTemplate(*args, **kwargs)
Template based on a directory structure.
Can include GPFS dependent filesets.
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
name of the template
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- template_location
path to the template directory
- template_version
hash used for versioning the template
- type
type of the template
- class arcapix.management.orm.templates.Template(*args, **kwargs)
Represents an abstract Template.
- comment
user comment on the item
- extras
additional metadata and settings
- id
unique identifier for the item
- name
name of the template
- status
current status of the item
- status_message
current status as a string
- type
type of the template