Groups & Users

Hub provides management of Groups and Users internally.

Users may be authenticated by external directory services such as LDAP or Active Directory.

Two default groups are provided:

  • Members of Administrators can configure and manage all Sites and Spaces

  • Members of Users have read-only access to all Spaces

Additional groups can be deployed to provide restricted access for users to Sites and Spaces.

Viewing Groups

To view the available Groups managed in Hub, select the Group tab.


Group management can only be performed by a Hub Administrator.

Groups Page

The Groups tab provides the following actions:

  • Group creation

  • Group deletion

  • Group member management

Filtering the Groups View

To display Groups matching keywords, enter the keywords in the filter bar.

Group Filtering

Group Members

The Groups View will only display up to four members per group.


Click the View all members button to view all the members of the group

Clicking the View all members button raises the Group Membership dialog.

Groups Members Dialog

To filter for a User within the list of group members enter a keyword in the Filter for...

Group Members Filter

Click the Remove button to remove a User from the Group


If a User has been inadvertently removed, do not press the Save button, instead click off the Group members dialog to the main area of the screen.

Clicking the Save button at the bottom of the Group members dialog saves any changes made.

Creating Groups

Click the Create Group button to display a dialog to configure a new group.

Create Group Button


This function can only be performed by a Hub Administrator

Basic Group Options

Group Wizard basic options
  • Enter a name for the group. The name is case-sensitive and may not contain whitespace

  • Enter a human-readable description for the group.

Select zero or more users to assign to the group

Select group users
  • Click a username to select it

  • Click the username again to deselect it

Group Space Options

Select which Spaces can be viewed and administered by users in this group.

Group Wizard space options
  • Administered Spaces can be viewed and browsed, and can have their settings changed

  • User Spaces can be viewed and browsed, but cannot have their settings changed

To filter for a Space within the list of spaces enter a keyword to filter for

Group Wizard space filter

Selected spaces are shown as chips. Clicking the 'X' on a chip deselects the space.

Management Settings

Select whether users in the group have the right to administer Ngenea Hub

Group Wizard Administer Hub

This includes the right to:

  • Configure site settings

  • Manage and run policies

  • Manage Groups and Users

  • View Alerts

  • Manage, browse, and import from Targets

  • Manage Global Settings

NAS Group Settings

Select whether the group should be created as a local NAS group.

Group Wizard NAS Group Settings

This will create a unix group on PixStor for all sites.

Deleting Groups

Group Delete Button

A confirmation dialog will be displayed

Group Delete Confirmation Dialog
  • Click "No" to close the confirmation dialog. The group will not be deleted.

  • Click "Yes" to confirm and remove the group.

The default groups Administrators and Users cannot be deleted.

Viewing Users

To view the available Users managed in Hub, select the Users tab.


User management can only be performed by a Hub Administrator.

Users Page

The Users tab provides the following actions:

  • User creation

  • User deletion

  • Group member management


Hover over the Groups column to see what groups a user belongs to

Filtering the Users View

To display Users matching keywords, enter the keywords in the filter bar.

User Filtering

Creating Users

Click the Create User button to display a dialog to configure a new user.

Create User Button


This function can only be performed by a Hub Administrator

Basic User Options

User Wizard basic options
  • Enter a name for the user. The name is case-sensitive and may not contain whitespace

  • Enter a password

  • Enter First and Last name for the user

  • Enter an email address for the user

The password must meet all the requirements which are listed below the password box

User password requirements

Select zero or more groups to assign the user to

Select user groups
  • Click a group name to select it

  • Click the group name again to deselect it

NAS User Settings

Select whether the user should be created as a local NAS user.

User Wizard NAS User Settings

This will create a unix user on PixStor for all sites.

Select whether to grant command line access to the user. This means the user can connect to PixStor nodes via SSH.

Select the Primary Group for the user.

User Wizard create NAS user primary group

The dropdown will list any existing NAS groups. Alternatively, "Create a new user group" will create a new NAS-enabled Hub group with the same name as this user.

Deleting Users

To delete a user, click the delete "bin" icon in the row of that user.

User Delete Button

A confirmation dialog will be displayed

User Delete Confirmation Dialog
  • Click "No" to close the confirmation dialog. The user will not be deleted.

  • Click "Yes" to confirm and remove the user.

You cannot delete the user you are currently logged in with.

Restricting Users from Spaces

All users in the group Users have read-only access to all Spaces.

Should it be required to restrict a user from accessing specific spaces Spaces this can be achieved by:

  1. Creating a new user group

  2. Ensuring that only the specific spaces are assigned to the group

  3. Add specific users to the group

  4. Ensure the specific users are removed from the group Users


Adding a Space to a group's Administered Spaces and Used spaces will allow assigned Users to change the settings for a Space. If administrative operations are not required, do not assign Spaces to Administered Spaces - create an additional group to allow specific users to administrate specific spaces.