
A job comprises one or more tasks, each of which perform an action.

Tasks can be data orientated (E.G. hydrate, dehydrate, SendToSite) or can be management or configuration tasks of pixstor sites and/or services.

Viewing Jobs

To view Jobs executed on a specific Site, select the Site from the Sites drop down menu or choose Global to display all Jobs from all Sites.


Click and select the site to show the jobs from the selected site.

After selection the Jobs from the selected Site are displayed including high level information for each Job.

Click a Job ID to view in depth information for the job.

Jobs Page

Filtering the Jobs View

To display a specific Job ID, enter the ID in the filter bar.

Jobs Filtering

Jobs for a site can be additionally filtered through selection of various criteria.


Click the filter button to display the available filters. The number of applied filters is displayed on the Jobs filter button.


Select the Hide noop filter option to hide any job which did not perform any action as the job determined that no actions were required.


Click the Date Created button to filter for any job which was created between two date ranges.

Clicking the Date Created button raises the date selection dialog. Choose the criteria required and click the Save button to apply the date range.

Date Filter Dialog

Click the Job State button to display jobs matching the status. Available statuses are:




A job has been created


The job is waiting to run


The job is running


The job finished successfully


The job finished with one or more error conditions


The job finished with one or more failure conditions


The job was skipped as the work assigned to the job was not required to be undertaken - no change would have occurred if the job had run.


The job was cancelled


The job is in the process of cancelling


The job is in the process of Pausing


The job experienced a result which could not be matched to a Status


Click the Queue button to filter for jobs matching the Queue.


Click the Workflow button to filter for jobs matching the Workflow. Available workflows are:



Bi-Directional Sync

Data synchronisation between two sites

Delete File

Deletion of a designated data


Dehydration of data


Staging of data to an Ngenea target. Subsequent dehydrations save time as there is no requirement to stage data prior to dehydration.


Hydration of data

Reverse Stub

Creation of dehydrated files not prior existing which reference data in an Ngenea target


Deliver data from a source to a destination site

Send to Site (hydrated)

Deliver data from a source to destination site as hydrated files

Send to Site (dehydrated)

Deliver data from a source to destination site asdehydrated files

Sync Space to Site

Synchronising data from a source to a destination site

Transparent Recall

User or application initiated hydration of data on reading


Click the Job creator button and select the name of one or more creator(s) to view jobs by the selected creator(s)

Viewing a Job

Clicking a Job ID in the main Job screen displays the in depth information for the job.

Job View Page

The Job View comprises:

Task stats

The total count of types operation result per task is represented by the horizontal bar segments.

Hovering over the bar provides the count of each task status for the tasks processed.

Job Task Stats

File/Item stats

The total count of types operation result per item is represented by the horizontal bar segments.

Items may be files, directories or Objects.

Job Item Stats

Hovering over the bar provides the count of each type processed.

Bi-Directional Sync and Site Sync workflows only provide File stats.

Job Item Stats

The Job Side bar



Clicking the toggle displays the Job Side bar to show:

  • Job info

  • Task stats

  • File Stats (Item stats)

Clicking the toggle button again hides the Job Side bar.


Re-arrange items in top to bottom order by dragging vertically up or down.

Jobs Side Bar Organiser

Job Controls

Jobs provide the following controls where supported by the Workflow:


If supported by the Workflow, click the Pause job button to pause the Job. Tasks which are not running will be paused.


If supported by the Workflow, click the Resume job button to resume a paused Job.


Click the Cancel Job button to cancel any future tasks from running and no longer proceed with the Job


Click the Re-submit job button to launch an identical Job on the Job queue


Click the Delete Job button to remove the records of the Job and associated tasks from the Hub database

Job Info Summary

Provides an overview of high level information of the Job.

Job Info Summary

Job Workflow Fields

Provides a listing of any workflow fields the job was executed with.

Job Info Summary

Job Info Task Stats

Jobs undertake tasks to process one or more actions, files, directories or objects as defined by the Workflow.

The Task stats displays the total count of types operation result per task.

Jobs Info Task Stats
Item stats

The total count of types operation result per item is represented by the horizontal bar segments.

Items may be files, directories or Objects.

Hovering over the bar provides the count of each operation type for the files processed.

Job Info File Stats
File stats

Bi-Directional Sync and Site Sync workflows only provide File stats.

The File stats displays the total count of types operation result per file or directory.

Job Info File Stats

The Job Task List

The Job details page is viewed with a task-based view or with a item-based view.

Switching between views can be done by clicking Tasks view or Items view on the top right corner of Job Tasks page.

Switch between Tasks or Items view

Tasks View

The Task view displays all tasks comprising a job, their ID, type, start time and status.

Job Task List

Filtering the Job Task List

Tasks for a job can be additionally filtered through selection of various criteria.


Click the filter button to display the available filters. The number of applied filters is displayed on the Task list filter button.


Click the State button to display jobs matching the status. Available statuses are:




A task has been created


The task is waiting to run


The task is running


The task finished successfully


The task finished with one or more error conditions


The task finished with one or more failure conditions


The task was skipped as the work assigned to the job was not required to be undertaken - no change would have occurred if the job had run.


The task was cancelled


The task is in the process of cancelling


Whilst running, the task was unable to proceed correctly and aborted the in progress action


The task is paused


The task is in the process of pausing


The task experienced a result which could not be matched to a Status


Click the Task type button to filter for a specific task type which comprises the Job. The task types are dynamic therefore the displayed types may differ per job type.

Items View

The Item view displays the object paths for all tasks across the job. When the Failed items tab is selected, the error message is displayed for failed items.

Job Items list

Clicking on a path displays the task history across the job.

Task history

Clicking on each task in task history displays the task details for the chosen task ID.

Task Details
Filtering the Items List

To search for a specified item, enter the path in the filter bar. It will only search paths based on the state of the active tab out of the Queued/Failed/Completed options.

Items view filter
Task information Dialog

Clicking a task ID in the Job Task List displays the information for the chosen task.

Job Task Information Dialog

Dependent on the number of operations and the quantity of inputs to the task, the information displayed can range from short to extensive.

Optionally select an action button to more easily view the Task Information.


Click the Full Screen button to display the Task Information in a larger view


Click the Copy button to copy the Task Information output to the clipboard.


Click the Download button to download the Task Information locally


Click the Close button to close the Task Information dialog