Ngenea Hub ChangelogΒΆ

Release notes - Ngenea Hub - 2.2.5: 2024-06-21

HUB2-1852 - Ensured that storage analytics can have its request timeout configured

HUB2-1852 - Pass API_TIMEOUT from the hub sysconfig file to the API container

Release notes - Ngenea Hub - 2.2.4: 2024-05-31

HUB2-1644 - Recursive navigate tasks no longer call mmlsfileset more than once

HUB2-1680 - Task failures no longer stop downstream tasks to stay in PENDING

Release notes - Ngenea Hub - 2.2.3: 2024-05-21

HUB2-1625 - The API wide timeout can now be configured

HUB2-1626 - The job details UI now waits for job results regardless of request duration
HUB2-1667 - The job list UI now waits for results regardless of request duration
HUB2-1682 - Job related web socket connections now waits for connection regardless of duration
HUB2-1619 - Jobs with the state "Failing" no longer disappear from jobs list page

Release notes - Ngenea Hub - 2.2.2: 2024-05-06


HUB2-1630 - Fixed issue with bidirectional sync re-submission

Release notes - Ngenea Hub - 2.2.1: 2024-04-29


HUB2-1630 - Transparent recall functionality now correctly submits with new engine

Release notes - Ngenea Hub - 2.2.0: 2024-03-28

UI Colours
Search Tags
Custom Attributes for SMB
New DAG Job Engine

HUB2-291 - Better wrap long space names
HUB2-365 - Different colors for task table chips instead of "gray" ones
HUB2-368 - Fix scrolling arrows showing up by default on rightbar
HUB2-652 - Utility for translating schedule object to user
HUB2-770 - Automatically name policy condition group titles
HUB2-863 - Task stats should apply the filter on job details page
HUB2-895 - Provide API support for editing search tags
HUB2-990 - Provide the ability to filter site alerts by severity
HUB2-1032 - Search: Support extensions starting with dot for core.extension filter
HUB2-1035 - Enforce unique space mount point (API)
HUB2-1072 - Ensure group titles wrap better
HUB2-1084 - Swap files above tasks in job details
HUB2-1089 - Provide the ability to set the number of executed policy threads in the UI
HUB2-1103 - Add buttons for pausing and resuming a job
HUB2-1104 - API response for job Owner is different
HUB2-1105 - Adjust Job details UI labels to new DAG statistics
HUB2-1107 - Adjust websocket responses to conform with new serializers
HUB2-1112 - Ensure NAS components are not visible if all sites in AD mode
HUB2-1162 - Site filtering for policies
HUB2-1213 - Ensure apbackup chip colours are consistent and correct site colour when input is changed
HUB2-1218 - Make top bar green
HUB2-1219 - Implement yellow progress bar across wizards
HUB2-1220 - Provide the ability to set the colour of the Site Chip in the Create Site wizard
HUB2-1222 - Updated colourful left bar menu buttons
HUB2-1223 - Updated login page presentation
HUB2-1224 - Cyclic colours for space cards
HUB2-1225 - Provide the ability to set the colour of the Space Card in the Space Wizard
HUB2-1226 - General CSS changes for button/checkbox/slider etc. elements
HUB2-1227 - Add SMB Custom Options Panel to Create Space Wizard
HUB2-1228 - Add SMB Customs Options Panel to Update Space Modal
HUB2-1230 - Modify multiselect dropdown component for search of a tag
HUB2-1237 - Remove feature flags for stable features
HUB2-1256 - Provide API support for Site chip colours
HUB2-1259 - Increase intervals for site refreshes
HUB2-1261 - Provide alphabetical ordering for managed keys
HUB2-1263 - Add tag selector filter to Search filters (in main search filter list)
HUB2-1264 - Add tag editor to search side panel for asset
HUB2-1282 - Grant metadata update permission to worker service user
HUB2-1291 - Switch site chips to double colour chips
HUB2-1294 - Don't display muted alerts in the GUI
HUB2-1310 - Update Hub favicon
HUB2-1311 - Add danger notification
HUB2-1312 - Make rightbar stay at the same place on scroll for global search page
HUB2-1316 - Hide resubmit button for settings tasks
HUB2-1328 - Better render "Date started" for cancelled tasks
HUB2-1334 - Ensure backup UI components are only displayed if the site has nodes configured with the apbackup role
HUB2-1346 - Implement database expiry page in global settings page
HUB2-1358 - Make sticked sidebar on default for all elements
HUB2-1376 - Re-expose grafana dashboard
HUB2-1377 - Provide role lookup for apbackup feature
HUB2-1378 - Add filter by job creator inside jobs
HUB2-1389 - RPM of public facing html docs
HUB2-1399 - Change text inside of tags multi-select
HUB2-1401 - Remove Default Location toggle from space create wizard
HUB2-1402 - Where a site only has one pool, auto-select it in the space creation drop-down
HUB2-1411 - Document swagger URL
HUB2-1417 - Add a base class to all non system worker tasks that check if it can run
HUB2-1418 - Adjust the cancel process to use redis and change the cancelling states
HUB2-1436 - Add the enable_plugin setting to the plugin docs
HUB2-1438 - Type filter updates on Jobs page for DAG jobs
HUB2-1442 - Job details show job status as Pausing when the job is in state Pausing
HUB2-1446 - Remove settings task types from workflow filter list in the UI
HUB2-1447 - Support for filtering on CANCELLING and PAUSING states in the UI
HUB2-1450 - Document the /hubmetrics endpoint
HUB2-1469 - Task stats should include PENDING task counts
HUB2-1496 - Provide clarification that File Stats processes more than Files
HUB2-1498 - Rename the "In-Progress" file stats label to "Pending"
HUB2-1530 - Rename Job Type to Workflow in job creator

HUB2-395 - Prevent setting space mount point to existing path
HUB2-473 - Deleting any of the site config fields and submitting does not delete the fields
HUB2-581 - Resolve an issue whereby a resubmitted job displays Job Creator unknown
HUB2-703 - Client key name max length error
HUB2-807 - Invalid date message on filebrowser table
HUB2-812 - Resolve an issue whereby full screen for task logs does not display in full screen
HUB2-892 - Resolve an issue whereby a space cannot be deleted using the python shell without deleting snapshot_schedule first
HUB2-928 - Fix timeout message in search page
HUB2-946 - Small Browser Window Stylesheet Issue
HUB2-997 - Task type filter options are not loaded for some of the system jobs
HUB2-1006 - Ensure that site creation summaries are accurate
HUB2-1061 - Provide job not found page
HUB2-1079 - Resolve an issue whereby full screen video preview does not fullscreen
HUB2-1083 - Resolve an issue whereby joined sites have no job site labels
HUB2-1086 - Resolve an issue whereby key names can be obscured
HUB2-1136 - Very long file name takes all the width in file browser table
HUB2-1144 - Resolve an issue whereby a invalid nginx config can cause frontend service interruption
HUB2-1146 - Error handling error response from search
HUB2-1184 - Cursor jumps to end of line as you type in the space name textbox
HUB2-1185 - Job gets stuck in processing if permissions on ngmigrate do not allow execution
HUB2-1189 - Remove unneeded warnings in the worker logs
HUB2-1232 - Cannot add API key via UI if profile fields aren't set
HUB2-1242 - Resolve an issue whereby all NAS interfaces cannot be removed
HUB2-1245 - Resolve an issue whereby the Username is truncated in the top right
HUB2-1260 - Resolve an issue whereby the Sites page shifts off screen when the left bar is expanded
HUB2-1262 - Resolve an issue whereby flickering is observed when loading pages
HUB2-1279 - 500 Server error when trying to verify an auth token
HUB2-1284 - Resolve an issue whereby SAMBA configuration entries are duplicated on update or deletion
HUB2-1285 - Unable to save NAS settings
HUB2-1289 - Fix duplicate job detection preventing Samba keys from being updated more than once
HUB2-1290 - Resolve an issue whereby a basic auth login prompt is presented
HUB2-1293 - Pre-set public url is not populated on create site wizard
HUB2-1301 - Setting a schedule to 1 hour causes it to run every minute
HUB2-1307 - Unable to create NAS users after deleting NAS user
HUB2-1314 - Create and update Space wizard error if no ngenea targets have been defined
HUB2-1319 - Fix validation email for create user wizard & update user modal
HUB2-1322 - Migration policy with three pools skips the second pool
HUB2-1323 - Cannot create a policy with a schedule
HUB2-1324 - Site settings - existing extra domain can not be deleted & validation needed for extra domain without name
HUB2-1326 - public_url = None crashes UI for unconfigured site
HUB2-1339 - Fix "get() returned more than one Server" issue
HUB2-1359 - Fix height of the multi-select dropdowns to have valid minimum height
HUB2-1360 - Selecting a tag for an item, assign it for all items with exact path, which is not unique
HUB2-1362 - Job status appears as Ongoing for job in state UNKNOWN_FAILURE
HUB2-1366 - Resolve an issue whereby ngenea target secrets are visible in log files
HUB2-1367 - Spaces can suddenly become unlinked where multiple "sites" are defined for a given PixStor cluster
HUB2-1379 - Filter input inside jobs is not working
HUB2-1380 - transparent_recall does not honour api_secure_verify
HUB2-1384 - Cannot change snapshot schedule on a space
HUB2-1394 - SettingsTask deduplication logic prevents legitimate jobs from running
HUB2-1400 - Redis will consume all available ram on a system over time
HUB2-1403 - Fix settings refresh
HUB2-1404 - Timestamp rules for policy weighting are incorrect
HUB2-1412 - Space settings loads a blank screen if site label is not set
HUB2-1413 - Job submitter does not show anything if site label is missing
HUB2-1415 - Make sure the UI does not break when workflows are visible=False
HUB2-1416 - Link to space path lost on login
HUB2-1420 - Job submitter does not allow running workflow
HUB2-1423 - DAGs submit custom tasks to the wrong queue
HUB2-1425 - Tasks filter not applying to live updates
HUB2-1426 - Unable to disable site apbackup
HUB2-1434 - Tasks go into state "STARTED" even though they are still "PENDING"
HUB2-1441 - Ngenea worker service cannot start up when no filesystem exists
HUB2-1448 - Possible to cancel PAUSING jobs via the jobs overview
HUB2-1455 - Job details rightbar shows ongoing when the job is in cancelling state
HUB2-1467 - Job stats are not updated correctly when a DAG job is cancelled
HUB2-1477 - Docker images manifest file is missing from rpms
HUB2-1494 - UI is redirected to /undefined
HUB2-1495 - Only in progress File stats are updating
HUB2-1497 - Clicking the files stats number retrieves no content into the pop up JSON modal
HUB2-1499 - job task list IDs are not being sorted correctly
HUB2-1500 - API request should call refresh token once expired, rather than logging the user out
HUB2-1509 - Long job descriptions break the UI on job table
HUB2-1517 - Cancelling a recursive job can cause tasks to be stuck in PAUSED
HUB2-1518 - Cancelling a job while "recursive_navigate" task is in started, causes objects to be stuck "In-progress"
HUB2-1521 - Error in return status of ngmigrate task
HUB2-1549 - Completed time not set for cancelled job with failed tasks
HUB2-1559 - UI does not allow having empty emails on user update modal

Release notes - Ngenea Hub - 2.1.1: 2024-02-08

HUB2-1367 - Spaces can become unlinked where multiple "sites" are defined on the same PixStor cluster

Release notes - Ngenea Hub - 2.1.0: 2023-12-22

Ability to configure Ngenea Backup
Ability to manage NAS users and groups
Ability to view disk metrics
New storage info page
New Alerts UI

Release notes - Ngenea Hub - 2.0.2: 2023-11-17

New Search page, integrating PixStor Search into Hub
New Policies page, to configure and run data migration policies from the Hub UI

HUB2-27 - Prevent access to UI components according to user permissions
HUB2-660 - Display all GPFS filesystems in Site Dashboard
HUB2-691 - Ability to give space shares custom names
HUB2-692 - Ability to create multiple shares per space at different paths
HUB2-754 - API to fetch settings tasks list for a job
HUB2-791 - Global view of Jobs in the UI
HUB2-792 - Support for submitting custom workflows in the UI
HUB2-823 - Support for setting analytics and metrics URL from UI
HUB2-828 - Ability to specify target path for Space creation
HUB2-831 - Filesystems API endpoint
HUB2-1003 - System folders are hidden in the UI
HUB2-1014 - Ability to bookmark and link locations in the file browser
HUB2-1043 - Ability to view job file lists in job details page rightbar
HUB2-1071 - Added DNS search domains to Site settings
HUB2-1075 - Support for editing job Schedules in the UI

HUB2-370 - Improved progress bars proportion in job details page
HUB2-527 - Sensitive settings such as ngenea secret keys are hidden from the UI and API
HUB2-785 - Include share path in file list for share jobs
HUB2-795 - Jobs page view persists when refreshing the page
HUB2-825 - All members of the group can be viewed via the  "view all members" button
HUB2-833 - Improved UI for settings Job details
HUB2-834 - Adds user-friendly job descriptions
HUB2-835 - Snapshot time can only be set when the frequency is greater than 1 day
HUB2-861 - Ability to search for a job by ID on jobs page
HUB2-905 - Updated storage target type naming in ngenea wizard
HUB2-915 - "view task" modal is now full width in the jobs page
HUB2-927 - Users list is sorted alphabetically in the groups tab
HUB2-951 - Server address is now optional when creating S3 ngenea targets
HUB2-1025 - Tooltip for long values in the details sidebar
HUB2-1030 - Validation notice for Samba shares in the Space wizard
HUB2-1070 - Don't allow setting server names longer than NETBIOS allowed limit
HUB2-1124 - Updated labels and icons for default workflows

HUB2-595 - Create space parent directory if it doesn't already exist
HUB2-783 - Set owner for automated settings tasks to 'system'
HUB2-796 - Exclude certain interface types from site NAS settings
HUB2-805 - Filters not working on Users or Groups pages
HUB2-816 - Workflow file list selected whole space instead of individual files
HUB2-832 - Validation for space placement pools
HUB2-854 - Folder metadata not loading in the file browser
HUB2-856 - Fix settings page link for when a custom base URL is configured
HUB2-931 - None values being written to samba shares
HUB2-932 - Multiple delete jobs being triggered for the same share
HUB2-933 - Don't force changing site shortcode on create site wizard
HUB2-935 - Broken spaces page when only one site is configured
HUB2-949 - Go back button for "advanced configuration" breaks UI on ngenea target wizard summary
HUB2-953 - Add api_secure_verify support to ngclient
HUB2-1028 - Site settings weren't updated in the UI after applying a change

Release notes - Ngenea Hub - 2.0.1: 2023-09-19

HUB2-931: Don't write None values to samba shares

HUB2-673: Updated user docs for Ngenea Hub 2.0

Release notes - Ngenea Hub - 2.0.0: 2023-08-11


Initial Release:

- Hub 2.0 UI
- Provide the ability to view pixstor sites and storage
- Provide the ability to configure pixstor sites from the Hub UI
- Provide the ability to create Spaces
- Provide the ability to view files globally across all Space associated sites
- Provide the ability to perform data workflows
- Provide the ability to monitor jobs and tasks
- Provide the ability to manage Hub users and groups
- Support for Active Directory/LDAP logon
- Worker support of Hub 2.0 functions
  - Analytics data
  - Get and Set pixstor settings for a site
  - Autojoin to Hub