Example Responses¶
"access_token": "feoF8MpdWqnUAI3FiMc9v6_PDspAfJPzc_-uwueC9I7IDkxz_hvYITVsNWZ5IOH19nfwIADhIpo9q_GDaCLyUGvA-_RUAEaPcurWFSTX5zClBGZ-I3n2WQbnvLVkvweVWGNilBTdNwdNndmNyqYI-lVt4RO1tIylV29mN7GQOMRXZAWKMXunc_0qpNpJy47M8tPZVVReXREnGd96SovGspKQ-AUAH1IcaD3mqlzrxiNg_j9cRP3KSdhSy_cHSuhN4QdX96jJ5TnsPPHXbFnK26k4jbBPb7sOx39LcXXOOuCjV_RioqaZHe_xt7l3tuuetxlNeU5PhgM2vJsWxBHQrJau9bG0pO24tkMEj5ByUBIH4EiXCyCtx9NbfpB_Hyu0KsHv8IFPcMAZlC7Ijcpg9g2zCa7iGIA_o-uYrHDzxg6sQPQVzgPmJuD1RkFVMXsbiwan7vFCFOscoeCKfcxHW8GTB9SFEZ3aErnGsHMgIRIvBbcH3nyIATcnaTVVZOKYP82851NJgHQUaCmZ1zDkjndbcmiAdvYnOh2EUVVlAoL0UiTLS4qh6EgEF4OIj3_blEn0iSzF5269tiDgaMYtf39839_2eN1zr9Td7BEs9srz5OWQm482Djz04LjL2veYhLOdxVaDYoiRYrvyeDblRPaMu4AWZmjlJEqtDSm664AARCAPIX",
"expires_in": 86400,
"token_type": "Bearer"
Billboard Response¶
"collection": {
"version": "1.0",
"links": [
"render": "link",
"href": "/files",
"prompt": "Files",
"name": "self",
"rel": "self"
"render": "link",
"href": "/",
"prompt": "Home",
"name": "parent",
"rel": "parent"
"items": [
"href": "/files",
"queries": [
"data": [
"prompt": "Search string",
"name": "where",
"value": ""
"href": "/files/?where={\"_all\":\"{where}\"}",
"prompt": "Enter a string to search in all fields across all files",
"rel": "search"
"data": [
"prompt": "Search string",
"name": "where",
"value": ""
"prompt": "Sort by fields",
"name": "sortfield",
"value": ""
"href": "/files/?where={\"_all\":\"{where}\"}&sort={sortfield}",
"prompt": "Enter a string to search in all fields across all files, results returned sorted by sortfield",
"rel": "sorted search"
"data": [
"prompt": "Filter field",
"name": "field",
"value": ""
"prompt": "Filter value",
"name": "where",
"value": ""
"prompt": "Sort by fields",
"name": "sortfield",
"value": ""
"href": "/files/?where={\"{field}\":\"{where}\"}&sort={sortfield}",
"prompt": "Enter strings to filter by a specific field across all files, results returned sorted by sortfield",
"rel": "sorted field search"
"properties": [
"prompt": "Number of matching documents",
"name": "hits",
"value": 98
Initial query Response¶
"collection": {
"version": "1.0",
"links": [
"render": "link",
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \".\"}",
"prompt": "Search filters",
"name": "_filters",
"rel": "links"
"render": "link",
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}",
"prompt": "Files",
"name": "self",
"rel": "self"
"render": "link",
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&page=3",
"prompt": "Last",
"name": "last",
"rel": "last"
"render": "link",
"href": "\/",
"prompt": "Home",
"name": "parent",
"rel": "parent"
"render": "link",
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&page=2",
"prompt": "Next",
"name": "next",
"rel": "next"
"items": [
"href": "\/files\/3735374022151170231",
"data": [
"prompt": "File basename (string)",
"name": "core.filename",
"value": "cats-22.jpg"
"prompt": "File mime-type (string)",
"name": "core.mimetype",
"value": "image\/jpeg"
"prompt": "Image width (integer)",
"name": "image.width",
"value": 616
"prompt": "Time when the file was last modified (datetime)",
"name": "core.modificationtime",
"value": "2017-05-26T14:26:28"
"prompt": "Directory in which the file resides (string)",
"name": "core.directory",
"value": "\/mmfs1\/data\/sample_data\/cats"
"prompt": "Inode generation number (integer)",
"name": "gpfs.generation",
"value": 1516595294
"prompt": "Time when the file was created (datetime)",
"name": "gpfs.creationtime",
"value": "2017-06-21T11:43:08"
"prompt": "Name of the group that owns the file (string)",
"name": "core.group.name",
"value": "root"
"prompt": "Type of the device the file belongs to (integer)",
"name": "gpfs.rdeviceid",
"value": 0
"prompt": "File inode number (integer)",
"name": "core.inode",
"value": 62750
"prompt": "File miscellaneous attributes (string)",
"name": "gpfs.miscattributes",
"value": "FAEu"
"prompt": "Numerical id of group that owns the file (integer)",
"name": "core.group.id",
"value": 0
"prompt": "_created",
"name": "_created",
"value": "2017-06-21T12:31:51"
"prompt": "File fully-qualified path (string)",
"name": "core.pathname",
"value": "\/mmfs1\/data\/sample_data\/cats\/cats-22.jpg"
"prompt": "Numerical id of user that owns the file (integer)",
"name": "core.user.id",
"value": 0
"prompt": "Space allocated to the file in kb (integer)",
"name": "gpfs.kballocated",
"value": 128
"prompt": "Image megapixels (float)",
"name": "image.megapixels",
"value": 0.489
"prompt": "Number of hard links to the file (integer)",
"name": "core.nlink",
"value": 1
"prompt": "Image height (integer)",
"name": "image.height",
"value": 794
"prompt": "Time when the file was last changed (datetime)",
"name": "core.changetime",
"value": "2017-06-21T11:43:08"
"prompt": "Image resolution (integer)",
"name": "image.resolution",
"value": 72
"prompt": "Size of file blocks in bytes (integer)",
"name": "core.blocksize",
"value": 4194304
"prompt": "_updated",
"name": "_updated",
"value": "2017-06-21T12:32:27"
"prompt": "Name of the user that owns the file (string)",
"name": "core.user.name",
"value": "root"
"prompt": "Id of last snapshot after which the file was modified (integer)",
"name": "gpfs.modificationsnapid",
"value": 0
"prompt": "Name of the pool the file belongs to (string)",
"name": "gpfs.poolname",
"value": "sas1"
"prompt": "Name of the fileset the file belongs to (string)",
"name": "gpfs.filesetname",
"value": "root"
"prompt": "Time when the file was last accessed (datetime)",
"name": "core.accesstime",
"value": "2017-05-26T14:26:28"
"prompt": "File extension (string)",
"name": "core.extension",
"value": ".jpg"
"prompt": "ID of the device that contains the file (integer)",
"name": "core.deviceid",
"value": 250609814
"prompt": "_id",
"name": "_id",
"value": 3.7353740221512e+18
"prompt": "_etag",
"name": "_etag",
"value": "c8a07cc70d0593a18d8e6eabc6229aa5a3314750"
"prompt": "File size in bytes (integer)",
"name": "core.size",
"value": 78685
"links": [
"prompt": "Thumbnail image",
"name": "thumb.png",
"render": "image",
"accept": "image\/png",
"href": "\/media\/090\/453\/627\/9045362721810216358.png",
"rel": "_thumbnail"
"prompt": "Preview image",
"name": "preview.png",
"render": "image",
"accept": "image\/png",
"href": "\/media\/051\/069\/261\/5106926172767688680.png",
"rel": "image.preview"
"href": "\/files\/3735366982443464131",
"data": [
"prompt": "File basename (string)",
"name": "core.filename",
"value": "cats-24.jpg"
"prompt": "File mime-type (string)",
"name": "core.mimetype",
"value": "image\/jpeg"
"prompt": "Image width (integer)",
"name": "image.width",
"value": 488
"prompt": "Time when the file was last modified (datetime)",
"name": "core.modificationtime",
"value": "2017-05-26T14:26:28"
"prompt": "Directory in which the file resides (string)",
"name": "core.directory",
"value": "\/mmfs1\/data\/sample_data\/cats"
"prompt": "Inode generation number (integer)",
"name": "gpfs.generation",
"value": 1203306021
"prompt": "Time when the file was created (datetime)",
"name": "gpfs.creationtime",
"value": "2017-06-21T11:43:08"
"prompt": "Name of the group that owns the file (string)",
"name": "core.group.name",
"value": "root"
"prompt": "Type of the device the file belongs to (integer)",
"name": "gpfs.rdeviceid",
"value": 0
"prompt": "File inode number (integer)",
"name": "core.inode",
"value": 62807
"prompt": "File miscellaneous attributes (string)",
"name": "gpfs.miscattributes",
"value": "FAEu"
"prompt": "Numerical id of group that owns the file (integer)",
"name": "core.group.id",
"value": 0
"prompt": "_created",
"name": "_created",
"value": "2017-06-21T12:31:51"
"prompt": "File fully-qualified path (string)",
"name": "core.pathname",
"value": "\/mmfs1\/data\/sample_data\/cats\/cats-24.jpg"
"prompt": "Numerical id of user that owns the file (integer)",
"name": "core.user.id",
"value": 0
"prompt": "Space allocated to the file in kb (integer)",
"name": "gpfs.kballocated",
"value": 128
"prompt": "Image megapixels (float)",
"name": "image.megapixels",
"value": 0.153
"prompt": "Number of hard links to the file (integer)",
"name": "core.nlink",
"value": 1
"prompt": "Image height (integer)",
"name": "image.height",
"value": 313
"prompt": "Time when the file was last changed (datetime)",
"name": "core.changetime",
"value": "2017-06-21T11:43:08"
"prompt": "Image resolution (integer)",
"name": "image.resolution",
"value": 72
"prompt": "Size of file blocks in bytes (integer)",
"name": "core.blocksize",
"value": 4194304
"prompt": "_updated",
"name": "_updated",
"value": "2017-06-21T12:33:21"
"prompt": "Name of the user that owns the file (string)",
"name": "core.user.name",
"value": "root"
"prompt": "Id of last snapshot after which the file was modified (integer)",
"name": "gpfs.modificationsnapid",
"value": 0
"prompt": "Name of the pool the file belongs to (string)",
"name": "gpfs.poolname",
"value": "sas1"
"prompt": "Name of the fileset the file belongs to (string)",
"name": "gpfs.filesetname",
"value": "root"
"prompt": "Time when the file was last accessed (datetime)",
"name": "core.accesstime",
"value": "2017-05-26T14:26:28"
"prompt": "File extension (string)",
"name": "core.extension",
"value": ".jpg"
"prompt": "ID of the device that contains the file (integer)",
"name": "core.deviceid",
"value": 250609814
"prompt": "_id",
"name": "_id",
"value": 3.7353669824435e+18
"prompt": "_etag",
"name": "_etag",
"value": "7a678206d87416edd3f20ca22ebf02eee302b602"
"prompt": "File size in bytes (integer)",
"name": "core.size",
"value": 42913
"links": [
"prompt": "Thumbnail image",
"name": "thumb.png",
"render": "image",
"accept": "image\/png",
"href": "\/media\/020\/318\/588\/2031858868851989110.png",
"rel": "_thumbnail"
"prompt": "Preview image",
"name": "preview.png",
"render": "image",
"accept": "image\/png",
"href": "\/media\/006\/633\/575\/663357581077192452.png",
"rel": "image.preview"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}",
"queries": [
"data": [
"prompt": "Search string",
"name": "where",
"value": ""
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"{where}\"}",
"prompt": "Enter a string to search in all fields across all files",
"rel": "search"
"data": [
"prompt": "Search string",
"name": "where",
"value": ""
"prompt": "Sort by fields",
"name": "sortfield",
"value": ""
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"{where}\"}&sort={sortfield}",
"prompt": "Enter a string to search in all fields across all files, results returned sorted by sortfield",
"rel": "sorted search"
"data": [
"prompt": "Filter field",
"name": "field",
"value": ""
"prompt": "Filter value",
"name": "where",
"value": ""
"prompt": "Sort by fields",
"name": "sortfield",
"value": ""
"href": "\/files/?where={\"{field}\":\"{where}\"}&sort={sortfield}",
"prompt": "Enter strings to filter by a specific field across all files, results returned sorted by sortfield",
"rel": "sorted field search"
"properties": [
"prompt": "Number of matching documents",
"name": "hits",
"value": 73
Guided search filter response¶
"collection": {
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\":\".\"}",
"links": [
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"core.size\"}",
"prompt": "Core - Size (73)",
"name": "core.size",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"core.size\": {\"lt\": 44000, \"gte\": 27400}}",
"prompt": "Core - Size - 27400 - 44000 (14)",
"name": "core.size.27400-44000",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"core.size\": {\"lt\": 56400, \"gte\": 44000}}",
"prompt": "Core - Size - 44000 - 56400 (14)",
"name": "core.size.44000-56400",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"core.size\": {\"lt\": 78600, \"gte\": 56400}}",
"prompt": "Core - Size - 56400 - 78600 (15)",
"name": "core.size.56400-78600",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"core.size\": {\"lt\": 100000, \"gte\": 78600}}",
"prompt": "Core - Size - 78600 - 100000 (15)",
"name": "core.size.78600-100000",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"core.size\": {\"gte\": 100000}}",
"prompt": "Core - Size - 100000 - * (15)",
"name": "core.size.100000-*",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"image.height\"}",
"prompt": "Image - Height (73)",
"name": "image.height",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.height\": {\"lt\": 400, \"gte\": 300}}",
"prompt": "Image - Height - 300 - 400 (12)",
"name": "image.height.300-400",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.height\": {\"lt\": 500, \"gte\": 400}}",
"prompt": "Image - Height - 400 - 500 (22)",
"name": "image.height.400-500",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.height\": {\"lt\": 600, \"gte\": 500}}",
"prompt": "Image - Height - 500 - 600 (8)",
"name": "image.height.500-600",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.height\": {\"lt\": 700, \"gte\": 600}}",
"prompt": "Image - Height - 600 - 700 (13)",
"name": "image.height.600-700",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.height\": {\"gte\": 700}}",
"prompt": "Image - Height - 700 - * (18)",
"name": "image.height.700-*",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"image.megapixels\"}",
"prompt": "Image - Megapixels (73)",
"name": "image.megapixels",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.megapixels\": {\"lt\": 0.2, \"gte\": 0.1}}",
"prompt": "Image - Megapixels - 0.1 - 0.2 (12)",
"name": "image.megapixels.0.1-0.2",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.megapixels\": {\"lt\": 0.30000000000000004, \"gte\": 0.2}}",
"prompt": "Image - Megapixels - 0.2 - 0.3 (31)",
"name": "image.megapixels.0.2-0.3",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.megapixels\": {\"lt\": 0.4, \"gte\": 0.30000000000000004}}",
"prompt": "Image - Megapixels - 0.3 - 0.4 (13)",
"name": "image.megapixels.0.3-0.4",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.megapixels\": {\"lt\": 0.5, \"gte\": 0.4}}",
"prompt": "Image - Megapixels - 0.4 - 0.5 (6)",
"name": "image.megapixels.0.4-0.5",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.megapixels\": {\"gte\": 0.5}}",
"prompt": "Image - Megapixels - 0.5 - * (11)",
"name": "image.megapixels.0.5-*",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"gpfs.kballocated\"}",
"prompt": "Gpfs - Kballocated (73)",
"name": "gpfs.kballocated",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"gpfs.kballocated\": {\"lt\": 200, \"gte\": 100}}",
"prompt": "Gpfs - Kballocated - 100 - 200 (70)",
"name": "gpfs.kballocated.100-200",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"gpfs.kballocated\": {\"gte\": 200}}",
"prompt": "Gpfs - Kballocated - 200 - * (3)",
"name": "gpfs.kballocated.200-*",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"image.width\"}",
"prompt": "Image - Width (73)",
"name": "image.width",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.width\": {\"lt\": 400, \"gte\": 300}}",
"prompt": "Image - Width - 300 - 400 (1)",
"name": "image.width.300-400",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.width\": {\"lt\": 500, \"gte\": 400}}",
"prompt": "Image - Width - 400 - 500 (8)",
"name": "image.width.400-500",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.width\": {\"lt\": 600, \"gte\": 500}}",
"prompt": "Image - Width - 500 - 600 (24)",
"name": "image.width.500-600",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\": \"cats\", \"image.width\": {\"gte\": 600}}",
"prompt": "Image - Width - 600 - * (40)",
"name": "image.width.600-*",
"rel": "collection"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"gpfs.miscattributes\"}",
"prompt": "Gpfs - Miscattributes",
"name": "gpfs.miscattributes",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"core.modificationtime\"}",
"prompt": "Core - Modificationtime",
"name": "core.modificationtime",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"video.height\"}",
"prompt": "Video - Height",
"name": "video.height",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"core.directory\"}",
"prompt": "Core - Directory",
"name": "core.directory",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"image.camera.manufacturer\"}",
"prompt": "Image - Camera manufacturer",
"name": "image.camera.manufacturer",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"gpfs.creationtime\"}",
"prompt": "Gpfs - Creationtime",
"name": "gpfs.creationtime",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"core.group.name\"}",
"prompt": "Core - Group name",
"name": "core.group.name",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"image.camera.model\"}",
"prompt": "Image - Camera model",
"name": "image.camera.model",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"image.location.gps\"}",
"prompt": "Image - Location gps",
"name": "image.location.gps",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"core.mimetype\"}",
"prompt": "Core - Mimetype",
"name": "core.mimetype",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"video.width\"}",
"prompt": "Video - Width",
"name": "video.width",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"video.duration\"}",
"prompt": "Video - Duration",
"name": "video.duration",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"core.nlink\"}",
"prompt": "Core - Nlink",
"name": "core.nlink",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"video.frame_rate\"}",
"prompt": "Video - Frame_rate",
"name": "video.frame_rate",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"image.location.city\"}",
"prompt": "Image - Location city",
"name": "image.location.city",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"core.changetime\"}",
"prompt": "Core - Changetime",
"name": "core.changetime",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"core.blocksize\"}",
"prompt": "Core - Blocksize",
"name": "core.blocksize",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"video.megapixels\"}",
"prompt": "Video - Megapixels",
"name": "video.megapixels",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"core.user.name\"}",
"prompt": "Core - User name",
"name": "core.user.name",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"gpfs.modificationsnapid\"}",
"prompt": "Gpfs - Modificationsnapid",
"name": "gpfs.modificationsnapid",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"gpfs.poolname\"}",
"prompt": "Gpfs - Poolname",
"name": "gpfs.poolname",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"gpfs.filesetname\"}",
"prompt": "Gpfs - Filesetname",
"name": "gpfs.filesetname",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"core.accesstime\"}",
"prompt": "Core - Accesstime",
"name": "core.accesstime",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"core.extension\"}",
"prompt": "Core - Extension",
"name": "core.extension",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"image.location.country\"}",
"prompt": "Image - Location country",
"name": "image.location.country",
"rel": "links"
"href": "\/files/?where={\"_all\":\"cats\"}&projection={\"filters\": \"image.resolution\"}",
"prompt": "Image - Resolution",
"name": "image.resolution",
"rel": "links"