Inode Scanning
The inode
module provides methods for performing inode scans and for determining properties of inodes.
Also refer to the arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.utils.inode_iterator
convenience function.
These objects require root permission to create
iattr struct
The iattr
struct, returned by next_inode()
and stat_inode()
, has the following fields
ia_mode # access mode
ia_uid # owner uid
ia_gid # owner gid
ia_inode # file inode number
ia_gen # inode generation number
ia_nlink # number of links
ia_size # file size in bytes
ia_blocks # 512 byte blocks of disk held by file
ia_atime # time of last access
ia_winflags # windows flags - can be converted with 'get_winflags_strings'
ia_mtime # time of last data modification
ia_flags # flags - can be converted with 'get_flags_strings'
ia_repl_data # data replication factor
ia_repl_data_max # data replication max factor
ia_repl_meta # meta data replication factor
ia_repl_meta_max # meta data replication max factor
ia_ctime # time of last status change
ia_blocksize # preferred block size for io
ia_createtime # creation time
ia_xperm # extended attributes - can be converted with 'get_xperms_strings'
ia_dev # id of device containing file
ia_rdev # device id (if special file)
ia_pcacheflags # pcache inode bits - can be converted with 'get_pcacheflags_strings'
ia_modsnapid # snapshot id of last modification
ia_filesetid # fileset ID - can be converted to name with 'igetfilesetname'
ia_datapoolid # storage pool ID for data - can be converted to name with 'igetstoragepool'
ia_inode_space_mask # inode space mask of this file system
# This value is saved in the iattr structure
# during backup and used during restore
Time fields ia_atime
, ia_mtime
, ia_ctime
, and ia_changetime
are type float. All other fields are of type int.
- arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode.close_inodescan(inodescan iscan)
Close an inode scan.
This is important for making sure the pointers are cleaned up once they’re no longer needed.
- Parameters
iscan (inodescan) – an open inodescan object
- arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode.get_flags_strings(unsigned int flags)
Get strings for flags integer.
Used to convert flags integer from an inode scan as part of the iattr structure.
- Return type
list of str
- arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode.get_pcacheflags_strings(pcacheflags)
Get strings for pcache flags integer.
Used to convert pcacheflags integer from an inode scan as part of the iattr structure.
- Return type
list of str
- arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode.get_winflags_strings(unsigned int winflags)
Get strings for Windows flags integer.
Used to convert winflags integer from an inode scan as part of the iattr structure.
- Return type
list of str
- arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode.get_xperm_strings(xperm)
Get strings for extended attributes integer.
Used to convert xperm integer from an inode scan as part of the iattr structure.
- Return type
list of str
- arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode.igetfilesetname(unsigned int fsetid, inodescan iscan)
Get fileset name from a numerical fileset name.
Used to lookup fileset from id returned by an inode scan as part of the iattr structure.
- arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode.igetstoragepool(unsigned int poolid, inodescan iscan)
Get storagepool name from a numerical pool id.
Used to lookup pool name from id returned by an inode scan as part of the iattr structure.
- class arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode.inodescan
The inode scan object acts as a wrapper for
pointer.- max_inode
Maximum inode number in the filesystem or snapshot being scanned.
- arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode.next_inode(inodescan iscan, gpfs_ino64_t termIno=0)
Get the next inode from the scan.
Can be used to iterate over inodes in the filesystem
>>> for ino in iter(lambda: next_inode(iscan), None): ... # do stuff
- arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode.open_inodescan(fssnap_handle handle, fssnap_id previd=None)
Open an inode scan.
- Parameters
fssnap (
) – An fssnap_handle identifying the Filesystem or snapshot to be scannedprevid (
) – An fssnap_id identifying a previous snapshot If provided, only files that have changed since the specified snapshot will be returned Pass None to return all user files fromfssnap
- arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode.seek_inode(inodescan iscan, gpfs_ino64_t ino)
Seek to the inode with number greater than or equal to
You have to call
to retrieve the requested inode
- arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode.stat_inode(inodescan iscan, gpfs_ino64_t ino, gpfs_ino64_t termIno=0)
Get the inode with number equal to
- Raises
KeyError if an inode isn’t found with the specified number
Note: this will seek to the requested inode number even if that inode isn’t found - e.g.
>>> next_inode(iscan).ia_inode 3 >>> stat_inode(iscan, 100).ia_inode KeyError(Inode '100' not found) >>> next_inode(iscan).ia_inode 103
List attributes for all inodes in a Filesystem
>>> from arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.inode import open_inodescan, next_inode, close_inodescan
>>> from arcapix.fs.gpfs.clib.fssnap import get_fssnaphandle_by_name
>>> # get fssnap_handle for filesystem 'mmfs1'
... fs = get_fssnaphandle_by_name('mmfs1')
>>> # open an inodescan
... iscan = open_inodescan(fs)
>>> # iterate over inodes
... for i in iter(lambda: next_inode(iscan), None):
... # print formatted results
... print("%010d/%010d\t%010u\t%010u\n" % (i.ia_inode, i.ia_gen, i.ia_mtime, i.ia_ctime))
'0000000003/0000000001 1462870041 1462870041'
'0000000042/0000065538 1464784185 1448989426'
'0000000043/0000065538 1464784185 1448989427'
'0000000044/0000065538 1464784185 1448989427'
'0000004038/0779965892 1459948505 1459948505'
>>> # remember to close iscan
... close_inodescan(iscan)