Target Import

An Ngenea target can be browsed, and files can be imported to the local PixStor file system.


This function can only be performed by a Hub Administrator.

Clicking the Targets button in the main menu bar displays the list of Ngenea targets:

|brand_backend_name| Targets Page

Click the browse icon on the Ngenea target row to browse the Ngenea target

Browsing a Target

The target browser displays the file and folder contents of a target including additional contextual information such as size.

The target bowser screen is comprised of several areas.

|brand_backend_name| Target file browser

Filtering the Target Browser

To display files or folders matching keywords, enter the keywords in the filter bar.

Spaces Filtering

Target Browser File Attributes

The target browser displays information regarding the files and folders within the Target.

Available information may vary between target types.




The file or directory name


The size of the file on the target

Viewing File or Folder Metadata

Metadata Panel

Click a file or directory name to view the associated metadata:

File Browser Metadata Panel

The metadata panel provides a summary of metadata.

Using the Job Creator Panel

Explain panel areas, buttons and operations

Target Import Job Creator Panel

Selecting files and directories

Selecting an individual file or directory populates the selection list with the item. Selecting a directory populates all items within the chosen directory tree.

Selections of the entire Target or a directory are each counted as 1 item.

Select the 'select all' checkbox next to the Name field in order to select the entire Target.

File Browser Select All

As selections are added or removed, the selected item count is updated:

File Browser Selected Item Count

Click the View Selection List button to show the files and directories selected to be processed by the chosen workflow


Click the Clear selections to remove all files and directories currently selected from the selection list


Click the Choose Location button to choose where to import the files and folders


Click the target location in the Choose Location panel, and click Confirm


Target files can only be imported to Locations in Spaces which match the target's "File match" pattern.


Click the Next button to enact the Job

Jobs with Workflows which require additional user decisions prior to enacting the Job raise the Configure workflow fields dialog:

Configure workflow fields dialog

After entering the field information [if required], select the button at the bottom of the dialog to submit the Job.


Click the button at the bottom of the dialog to submit the Job.


Upon submitting the workflow, a notification indicates the job was created with a link to view details of that job

Job Types (Workflows)

Target Import Job Creator Panel

Default Workflows

Import to Site

The Import to Site workflow transfers the file metadata and data from the Ngenea target (E.G. an AWS cloud bucket). After successful transfer the metadata and data content of the file is present on the chosen site, within the chosen Location.