4.2.1. GCP Cloud Function

In the GCP console menu under Serverless, select Cloud Functions

Cloud functions

Choose Create Function

Create function

In the first Configuration page:

  1. Give the function a name

  2. Select a region to run from. Usually best to be in the same region as the bucket we’ll be using

  3. Under trigger select Cloud Storage type

  4. And Finalise/Create for the event type

  5. Select the bucket to monitor

Then press Save

Configure function

If you wish to create a new service account for this function, use the following gcloud command to create a new service account and assign it the role storage.objectViewer


gcloud iam service-accounts create $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID \
    --description='A service account to give the {{ brand_name }} function read access to GCS buckets' \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
    --member="serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID@$PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \


Under the RUNTIME tab at the bottom, select a Runtime service account that has the following permissions as a minimum (or the newly created service account from above):

  • storage.objectViewer

Select Next to continue

Configure runtime

If the Ngenea Hub doesn’t have an external IP to connect to, you’ll need a VPC Connector for the function to be able to access the Ngenea Hub private IP.

The creation of the VPC Connector is out of scope of these docs.

To select an existing VPC Connector, under the RUNTIME, BUILD AND CONNECTIONS SETTINGS section, select Connections.

From the VPC Connector drop down menu, select an existing connector and check the Only route requests to private IPs through the VPC connector radiobox.

Configure VPC

In the Code config section

  1. Change the Runtime to Python 3.9

  2. The Entry Point is main

  3. Select ZIP upload in the Source code

  4. Choose the GCP zip previously downloaded from the ../../download page

  5. Select a Stage bucket for use while deploying. You can use the bucket we’ll be monitoring

  6. Select Next to build the Cloud Function

browser page

Once built you need to edit the default config.json file

Choose your new function and click EDIT

Select Next to get to the code edit section

Select the config.json file to edit

Configure JSON

Edit the config file based on the docs from Cloud Functions

Select Deploy to save the changes. This can take 1-2 mins to update