
Hub can regularly perform the same action to a Space via Job Schedules.

Spaces which are deployed with Bi-Directional Sync automatically have a Schedule added.

Schedules can be added to the entirety of a Space. It is not possible to schedule more granular activities within a Space (E.G. regular Hydration of an individual file or directory).

Adding a Schedule

To add a Schedule to a Space, select the Space checkbox at the top left of the Space Card.

Space Card entire Space selection

Selecting the checkbox shows the Job Creator Panel.

Job Creator Panel

For further information refer to Using the Job Creator Panel.

After selecting any chosen requirements for the Job Creator Panel, the Configure workflow fields panel is raised.

If the job is to be immediately run, click the larger titled button related to the chosen Workdlow (E.G. Hydrate). Alternately the Job can be Scheduled to run later.

To Schedule the Job to run later, click the Schedule button.


Click the Schedule button to Schedule the Job for later

The Schedule button raises the Schedule Job dialog.

Job Task Information Dialog
  • Enter the name of the Schedule

  • Select the desired Schedule settings

  • Click the Schedule button to create the Schedule

Editing Schedules

Schedule settings can be modified as required.


Clicking the Settings button on the Space card raises the Settings dialog for the Space.


Adding or Configuring a Space can only be performed by a Hub Administrator or User with Space Administration rights granted through group management.

Click the Job Schedules menu item on the Space settings dialog.

Clicking the Settings button on the Space card raises the Settings dialog for the Space.

The Schedules for the Space are viewable.


Click the Edit button for the Schedule to be modified

Clicking the Edit button raises the Update job schedule dialog.

The Update job schedule dialog
  • Modify the desired Schedule settings

  • Click the Save button to store the modified Schedule settings

Deleting Schedules

Schedules no longer required can be removed from Hub.


Clicking the Settings button on the Space card raises the Settings dialog for the Space.


Adding or Configuring a Space can only be performed by a Hub Administrator or User with Space Administration rights granted through group management.

Click the Job Schedules menu item on the Space settings dialog.

Clicking the Settings button on the Space card raises the Settings dialog for the Space.

The Schedules for the Space are viewable.


Click the Delete button for the Schedule to be deleted


Deleted Schedules are non-recoverable. If a Schedule has been inadvertently removed, do not press the Save button, instead click off the Space settings dialog to the main area of the screen.

Clicking the Save button at the bottom of the Space settings dialog saves any changes made.